The pandemic, if it has shown us one thing, that one should sieze opportunities while they are for the taking as you never know what is around the corner.
With the positive news in the media lately we are hopeful that next summer will see a return to more normalcy and so planning for the Naked Heart Walk to take place on 3rd July 2021 is now starting.
I have been in contact with Painshill, whio are pretty busy at the moment they tell me, and whil we don't have a crystal ball in the Crystal Grotto, they don't see any reason to change plans again at the moment.
So if you have ever wanted to try walking naked in the fresh air and sunshine in a fabulous private and safe setting this maybe your first and only chance - though of course we ope to run it again if it's successful.
Don't forget it's all in a good cause. The BHF's income has fallen 50% this year and that means the heart reearch they are funding with our money has had to be reined back. Research into the cardiovascualar complications from Covid-19 has also been undertaken this year as a priority.
Tickets for the walk can be bought at .
Getting out in green space and fresh air has been shown to do us good both in mind and body. Scientific research is showing that being naked also has benefits and there has been quite a bit of interest in naturism (as people who like to get naked for health like to call the practise) since the Spring. If you want to dip you toe in from the safety of you own home then you can try online naked yoga or aerobics and other things at